Privacy & Cookies


Collection and protection of personal data
(with Newsletter Mailchimp)

By entering your contact details, you are agreeing to allow us to get in touch with you by email to discuss your enquiry. The owner of data treatment is CABINE 3 EFFE SRL in Via G. Rossini, 31 -36050 Cartigliano (VI), to which the user can adress to exercise his rights on his data, for example to check the existence, the contenent, the correctness and to ask for the addition, update or cancellation of them. Any data is communicated to third parties, with the only exception of the need to send required material by customer, for which the supply by third parties is required.
CABINE3EFFE.COM uses the service of MailChimp* for the management and sending of newsletter. The used email adresses for this sending are collected with the volunteer registration to the newsletter or are present in the list of contacts for advertsing communications, previous between CABINE 3 EFFE S.r.l and the user. These email adresses are stored in safe server of MailChimp. The policy of privacy of MailChimp can be consulted at the following adress: *MailChimp (The Rocket Schince Group, LLC, 512, Means St., Suite 404 - 30318- Atlanta, Georgia)

(Copyright law, 22 April 1941, n.633 modified with d.lgs 9 April 2003, n.68 of receipt of Directive 2001/29/CEE about protection of Copryright in the information society)

The contenents, the material and the information in this website are of exclusive property of CABINE 3 EFFE S.r.l or licenced to it. All rights are reserved.


CABINE 3 EFFE SRL works reasonably in order that all information of the website are trusted, complete and updated. However it is not responsible for errors, innacuracies and omissions in the public contents. The contents ,present in the website, have purely informational purpose and are not binding respect to the sell of goods and /or services. Furthermore CABINE 3 EFFE S.r.l has the right to modify, in every moment and at its own discretion, the contents of the website without any notice.